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Taking a break from the installation, i went back to work on melting the straws.

Came across annie varnot's fire fungus bluff. In her work, she displays the straws upright in a pretty orderly manner, the shadows created makes the sculpture looks like as though it was floating despite the fact that it was on the wall.

I could attempt to do the same with the straw pieces, might help is creating a less 2-dimensional work?

I attmepted to place the straws consciously into the moulds, taking note of the colours at the same time.

As part of the experimentation, long and short straws were used to observe if they would bear different effects. The upright straws melted into little ovals and circles of various lines and thickness. The longer the straws were, the thicker the lines were.

The longer straws were not only thicker in lines, but they also folded in the middle when melting, creating interesting folds and pattern.

Although this process created better lines and details, it was much more time consuming in comparison to the first process. Also i seemed to have fallen back to the rigid form which i felt restricted by when creating the lego blocks.

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