In his kickstarter project titled Müll, translated as trash in German. Artist puts the plastic bags through multiple baking, twisting, folding and compressing, figure 7 shows the cubes right after several compression and folding processes. The outcome was marbled patterns that could be shaped into any utilitarian items like cups, holders and chairs .
The artist acknowledged the high strength to density ratio of the thermoplastic and the abundance of colour the ubiquitous object. Apart from the use of common plastics that everyone would definitely have access to, plastic bags, the PDF instruction of his technique was made available on his website, allowing everyone to be able to recreate the same objects from their unused bags. This idea would allow people to be able to adopt his techniques and create a proliferation of items that caters to their needs.
Zufelt’s highly aestheticized trash cubes appears to be more like carved marbles or stones which nobody would have ever imagined it being created from plastic bags.

Mull, 2016, Dimensions vary, Compressed and melted plastic bags