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After several unsuccessful attempts with creating the lego bricks, I was seeking for an alternative solution due to pressing time. Looking back at the materials i have collected, i have begun narrowing down my materials to straws and plastic bags due to the health issues involved when working with the other materials as well as the availability of colours.

Recalling the the straws in the doll head experimentation, the straws were able to capture a high amount of details from the doll head. I decided to use a mould from the pre-melted bag that had heaps of air bubbles and details to test the capability of straws.

Straws vs Bags (lego test)

Left: Straws, Right: Compressed bags

The straws managed to capture a much fuller detail of the lego. Perhaps a little too fine? The flaws of the mould was easily spotted :x

The air bubbles were all captured too.

Also instead of restricting myself to an angular form, i attempted to breakway from a rigid structure and move towards organic forms.

The results were amazing, I loved how the details were all captured!

I was not able to test on the lego moulds as the straws would not cooperate with me in the process :c

Nonetheless, i was so pleased with the aesthetic outcomes of the experimentation, i wanted to experiment more with the possibitities of creating pieces from the straws.

Also, the results of the straws sprinkled at random and melting in the moulds looked pretty interesting too!

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