Now that the moulds were created, i wanted to begin mass producing the lego bricks that incorporates the Carter Zufelt's techniques. As per previous post. To achieve a legit lego block, i attempted to mould the entire block as well as singular back detail to mould the object.
It was surprisingly tough to achieve a solid good brick that works.

The aesthetics were definitely interesting , but the shape was not working out. The above was the compressed bags melted onto the mould and pressed on with the back mould. The pieces were trimmed at the edges.
This was a work process of the plastic being melted and details pressed on with a lego

I attempted to directly melt the plastic on the mould. It had a fuller detail however, the single bags were hard to manipulate, in the process of melting resulting in holes.

The trimming of the edges as also time consuming. I began wondering if attempting to model lego bricks was an ideal solution after all. I had to find away to be able to flawlessly recreate the bricks that would not take too much time.
Pre-melted bags pressed on mould
Pre-melted bags pressed on mould and reheated.
Also, could not think of anything i could do to play with the angular form. I felt restricted to the surfaces and there was not much room for play in the end.
lego = build (that was the kind of pre-conceived notion i had with regards to lego) The lego bricks were unbuildable and i had spent far too much time in trying to make the bricks buildable :(
Here's some videos and image of other materials i have tried to make lego with :
PET bottles:
A little hard to control , but it looks good :D

Milk containers: